Automatically Send Email to Recipients when Action Has Completed

(imported topic written by thesurg3on91)


We do custom actions daily. Is there a way to have BigFix email a changing list of recipients when the task is completed? Essentially every custom action will have a different set of recipients than another action.

Is this possible, and if so, how.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

I can’t think of a good way to switch around the recipients of the email unless you program the logic directly into a custom BESEmailer script/application…


(imported comment written by thesurg3on91)


Can this be done upon creation of my task using Relevance? Surely emailing a status report after a job has completed seems like a desirable feature. Next release?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

You can create a scheduled task that is triggered on creation of a Task or any other custom trigger that you can define in session relevance, but you have to pre-select the recipient list when you make the trigger and it can’t change as far as I know.


(imported comment written by arivas200491)

This would be a good idea for a future release

(imported comment written by taltrade91)

How can you configure an automatic email to get sent out. Even if the list of recipients stays the same, I can’t find an option to do this, and I’ve read through the WinActions document.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey Taltrade,

Have you looked at the “Scheduled Tasks” in the web reports?


(imported comment written by taltrade91)

Maybe I’m using the wrong thread, but what I’d like to do is generate an email when an action begins, but sending it afterwards would be fine, too. When a machine is being patched, I’d basically like to generate an email to allemployees@DOMAIN that says something like, “MachineX is being patched right now. This is scheduled maintenance.”

(imported comment written by BenKus)

This is tough…

But would you really want this? If you are patching 100 computers with 10 patches each, you would generate 1000 emails…


(imported comment written by gcibirch91)


Is it possible to have an email sent though once everything is completed telling us which servers have been completed and which ones have failed??


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

To build on the previous suggestions, it would be excellent if there was a Notifications tab on the actions dialog that was somewhat similar to the Messages tab. It would allow pre, post, and completion status messages to one or more e-mail addresses. It could also be set to only send an e-mail based on a condition (relevance). As a bonus, it could be configured to do an LDAP lookup/validation to Exchange or Notes mailboxes.

It would be excellent to have these choices at run-time in the Take Action dialog rather than having to launch web reports and set up a whole separate trigger.

(imported comment written by thesurg3on91)

I concur, in our environment where we work with many different business groups and departments, they want to know when their servers are being patched, and would like to know when it is completed. An email deployed to a group or distribution list when a task is finished will be very very helpful.

(imported comment written by joe9165)

An email sent after a server was rebooted would be great!

(imported comment written by FITZPAW91)

Hi All

I have put BLAT on each server, and run a vbs script at the end of a baseline to generate and send the email when the monthly updates are finished.

I also created multiple VBS scripts to get certain information which is dropped into text files before and after patches, then do a compare of both and send the results. (example Running services which are no longer running after a reboot, or version of VMTools before and After). I have consolidated all my vbscripts into one task for before application of fixlets, created a task for a reboot, and a task for after application of fixlets. So my baseline has 3 permanent fixlets, and I create a group every month for the monthly fixlets to be applied.

So BLAT might be the way to go, assuming you have SMTP open on every machine you want to send email from.


(imported comment written by Shembop91)

We are trying to figure out something very much like what is being talked about (I Think) We want to create a way where we could send an e-mail to someone when we push an offer to their machine, especially since this “offer” method is new to users. I have created a simple batch script that would send an e-mail using command line SMTP, and it says Your software has been delivered. To install it at your convenience, click on this link for instructions.

Here is the problem:

Since all the actions are kicked off on the client side, and since nothing actually happens with an Offer until the person accepts the offer, … you guessed it… the instructions e-mail would sit there until they accepted the offer.

Back to the drawing board.