So there is a topic that comes up every couple of months regarding automatically importing content into BigFix.
Over the couple years I’ve worked on a couple automation projects to automatically generate and import patches for common applications into BigFix.
I’ve implemented solutions that are completely custom using C#, solutions using Python, solutions using AutoPKG and solutions using Ninite.
Well recently I got the strange idea to just do it with a fixlet. Today I got it working and wanted to share what I’ve got so far! There are some issues with it that I’ll discuss at the end (more to-dos that issues).
The first version of this content is available here:
The operator you provide only needs write access to a single content site (not master operator) so the pwd being not encrypted isnt a deal breaker at the moment.
To use this just action the fixlet against a computer that matches the below requirements in your environment and provide a site you want it imported into with corresponding credentials.
- Running
- Running Platform API that matches server version
- Internet access on system
Here’s what the fixlet does:
- Parses the NotePadPP Download page for the latest download URL
- Downloads NotePadPP to obtain size, hash, etc
- Generates a fixlet from a template
- Imports the fixlet using BESImportFile on the command line (using console operator permissions from the action)
- Either stage the console operator credentials on the system beforehand or switch them to secure parameters
- I have a custom version of BESImportFile that won’t import a fixlet that already exists (or will just overwrite it) that I’d like to use but I didn’t want to host a file on a third-party domain for this fixlet.
- Make the fixlet more flexible to be reused for other software.
- Maybe split upload into another fixlet so that these can be packed into a baseline
- Fail on error detection
Let me know if you have any thoughts on this and thanks for reading!