Automatic Reboots


I’m relatively new to BigFix and had a question in regard to automatic server reboots after patch deployment. I’ve been told by our administrator that when we have our system set to deploy patches and automatically reboot after it doesn’t reboot. Is there anything we can look for to figure out why systems may not be rebooting after the job has completed? Has anyone else experienced systems that wouldn’t reboot after a job?

Thanks in advance!!

I’ve had problems when the automatic reboots were set to warn the user before rebooting, or allow the user to cancel the reboot, or display pretty much any other dialog; but the BES Client is confused about whether a user is present. That happened for us in cases of disconnected remote desktop sessions, for example.

It may work better for you if you do not prompt the users before rebooting.

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Also be aware that the default “Deadline” for the Post-Action Reboot is 1 DAY, 24 hours. You need to remember to adjust this if you want a reboot to happen any faster. I recommend you use the “presets” to help make sure you have your actions configured the way you want, including the Post-Action message deadline.

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You can have a final action in a set of patches do the reboot either at a very short interval if there is no user logged on, or a much longer one if you want the logged on user to prepare for the reboot.


if{0 < number of logged on users}
    restart 600
    restart 15
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Remember that “current user” is just a special “logged on user” - specifically the one on the console - so those are somewhat redundant

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Thanks, I knew “logged on user” worked better, but I didn’t know the relationship between them.

If you look at:

And specifically at the return type you see "logged on user"
This indicates that any “logged on user” operator will work on current user. So you could, for example, use ttys of logged on users and determine which one of those is the Console user from that set.

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