Automatic Group with Group membership Relevance


May i know “by design” Bigfix have limitation if we want to use group membership relevance where automatic group A is a member of automatic group B, together with other relevance:

Automatic Group A:

  • is a member for group B
  • Relevance Query: (value “PatchInstalled” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Test\TestKey” of native registry) as string = “1”

Automatic Group B:

  • Relevance Query: (version of client >= “”) AND (exists true whose (if true then (exists (operating system) whose (it as string as lowercase contains “Win10” as lowercase)) else false))

When you create automatic group you can use:

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I see, May i know if we practice group membership will impact clients CPU/memory.
I remember that someone said if we use group membership plus relevance is not best practices… is it true…

My purpose of having group membership because i dont want to burden and make the relevance more complex on the single automatic group.

Didn’t hear about that…

You can always check the evaluation time of the automatic group on your environment.

I’m using automatic groups with exclusions / includes of others groups and additional information

For example:

  • Exclude Patches Group that based upon existence of client setting.
  • Phase 1 - Computers that are not member of Exclude Group AND have client settings of cycle=phaae1

You have to refer to the group by ID not name to have B group be required in A group.

(exists true whose (if true then (member of group 458763 of site “actionsite”) else false))