So what I am trying to do is get my groups straightened out across the network. I have the their out going IP on all of the machines thanks jgstew! Now I need the set the log file contents(Real outgoing IP) to the automatic group. For example all of the machines with IP need to go in Charleston branch automatic group ect.
I have tried a bunch of different ways that I have seen on the boards although I must be leaving out something. Anyone know what the correct relevance might be to do that?
I am trying to accomplish something similar by creating a Custom Setting for VLAN_ID and VLAN_Location. Once if get those created, I am then going to create a custom group based on the VLAN_Location (which will be a physical location).
I am doing this for my automatic computer groups based on IP range. Just put this in the relevance for the automatic group. I had way more IPs but this work.
exists (addresses of adapters of networks) whose ((it > ipv4 address “x.x.x.x” and it < ipv4 address “x.x.x.x”))
removing this reply because it is not relevant now that I know what is being asked.
Well I just visited the analysis you linked, and I am just now realizing you are already talking about logged public IPs.
This is what you want:
exists unique values whose(it = "") of (it; ( (tuple string item 1 of it | it) of concatenations ", " of (it as trimmed string) of following texts of firsts "Address:" of lines whose(it starts with "Address:") of files "public_ip_nslookup.log" of folders "Logs" of folders "__Global" of data folders of client )) of ( (it as trimmed string) of lines containing "." of files whose(name of it as lowercase starts with "public_ip_http" AND name of it as lowercase ends with ".log") of folders "Logs" of folders "__Global" of data folders of client )
Just replace
with the IP you need for each branch.
This will give you all of the unique Public IPs returned from the analysis, which is the set that you might want to create automatic groups for: (NOTE: This is Session Relevance, not Client Relevance)
unique values of values of results of properties whose(name of it = "Combined") of bes analyses whose(name of it starts with "Public IP - Universal" AND exists best activations of it)
Yeah sorry I had the analysis running as well.
Also we got it to work with the say "Charleston Branch Group"
With the following.
(version of client >= "") AND (exists true whose (if true then (exists file ("C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\__Global\Logs\public_ip_http_vbs.log") whose (exists line whose (it contains "Branch_IP_Here") of it)) else false))