Automated silent oracle install

(imported topic written by garretdavis91)

I have tried to get the Oracle OEM client installed via a task and I just cannot seem to get the action script correct. I used the wizrd to create the task, but no joy on the install portion of the action script.

Here is my action script:


continue if {(size of it = 520306353 AND sha1 of it = “4a1fea8b4443dfc9512c21aa1fc08323c1588878”) of file “OEM_Windows_64.tmp” of folder “__Download”}

extract OEM_Windows_64.tmp

I have tried all of the wait’s below, but none of them seem to work. What am I missing…I’m going crazy with this thing! The actual command for the install is “setup.exe -silent -responseFile agent.rsp” and the rsp is an answer file.

// wait “__Download\windows_x64\agent\setup.exe” -silent -responseFile “{pathname of client folder of current site}__Download\agent.rsp”

// wait “{((pathname of client folder of current site)& “__Download\windows_x64\agent\setup.exe -silent -responseFile” & (pathname of client folder of current site)& “__Download\agent.rsp”)}”

// wait cmd.exe /c "{((pathname of client folder of current site)& “__Download\windows_x64\agent\setup.exe -silent -responseFile " & “(pathname of client folder of current site)& __Download\agent.rsp”)}”

// wait cmd.exe /c “__Download\windows_x64\agent\setup.exe” -silent -responseFile “{pathname of client folder of current site}__Download\agent.rsp”


(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

Might be x64 path issues… try this as the first line of your action script:

action uses wow64 redirection {x64 of operating system}

(imported comment written by garretdavis91)

THis is not a 32 vs 64 bit issue. I just cannot get the install line to execute properly, but thansk for the reply.

(imported comment written by JackCoates91)


maybe give this a shot?

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

Also, what sort of errors are you getting in the client log when it fails? Does the error change depending on the version of the wait command you use?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)


I’m not sure if this is still relevant for a Windows install - but I know on Unix/Linux Oracle installs it still required a terminal even though the ‘-silent’ option would seem to indicate no interactivity. We had to use some devious tricks to fool the installer into thinking that there was a terminal and it then installed OK. Not sure how you would do this on Windows, if, in fact, this is your problem.

(imported comment written by garretdavis91)


Also, what sort of errors are you getting in the client log when it fails? Does the error change depending on the version of the wait command you use?

Actually BF shows the install command as completed, which we all know means BF submitted the comnmand successfully and nothing more thasn that. The only way I know it did not work is the software was not installed where my answer file says to install it.

So there must be an issue with the task in either the syntax or as I’m hearing BF has a real issue with installing software in this manner.

Is there a way for me to redirect the output of what is happeneing to a log file?

(imported comment written by JackCoates91)

Yes, 2&1>myfile.txt. Also, check this out: . Finally, many Windows installers are actually using MSI under the hood, so check the system’s MSI logs.

(imported comment written by Kenz91)

I’m trying to do the same kind of install with a response file and having trouble. Where is your response file located after the download occurs?

(imported comment written by tcamp@kcp.com91)

PLEASE HELP!!!hey GarretDavis, I am having the exact issue with windows 7x64 when I use the oracle 11g setup.exe with the responsefile using the software wizard as well as creating a fixlet.

below is the command I was using sucessfully manually installing it.

“\bf1\dist1\oracle 11.2g\client\setup.exe” -silent -nowait -responseFile “\bf1\dist1\oracle 11.2g\client\oracle11g.rsp”

so, I went to the software distrubution wizard, uploaded the folder, checked include subfolders and on the command I put the “\bf1\dist1\oracle 11.2g\client\setup.exe” -silent -nowait -responseFile “\bf1\dist1\oracle 11.2g\client\oracle11g.rsp”, finished creating fixlet, launched and it doesn’t work. The wizard created the action script below…


continue if {(size of it = 682525361 AND sha1 of it = “c1bb4b22295b0787a84fddc7fc036569b84e3cb3”) of file “client.tmp” of folder “__Download”}

extract client.tmp

wait __Download\setup.exe -silent -nowait -responseFile oracle11g.rsp

Please help!!! Thanks!!!

(imported comment written by Bill.Ehardt)

I created a working one a few weeks ago… I can send the entire task if you like… but here is the main createfile part. The response file was SUPER annoying to figure out.

createfile until



cd “{parameter “baseFolder”}”

setup.exe -responseFile “{(pathname of client folder of current site) & “__Download\client_Odac.rsp”}” -silent -ignorePrereq -force -waitforcompletion -nowait

copy /y ldap.ora C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\network\admin\

copy /y sqlnet.ora C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\network\admin\

copy /y tnsnames.ora C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\network\admin\


(imported comment written by tcamp@kcp.com91)

wmehardt, thanks for the reply! if you wouldn’t mind sending the entire task I would appreicate it!