Auto update Windows BES client to Version 9.5.11

HI All, Would there be a setting that can be enabled on BES client to perform an auto upgrade of its client version to the current running version in the environment? I have performed the upgrade of windows servers to 9.5.11 and need an auto update setting to be enabled so that servers left or which were disconnected or were not reporting to gain the same level of BES client version. Please suggest on this!! Ty

The method for updating the BigFix client is to run the update fixlets in the BES Support site on the endpoints.

To add to what @amelgares suggested, I would recommend that you create policy actions from the fixlets:

  1. Dynamically target by property (All Computers or an appropriate property)
  2. Remove the Ends on constraint, and perhaps select retry on failure, in the Execution tab

You can then stop the action when all your endpoints are upgraded.