Auditing Directory Groups and Permission (Analysis)

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)


I would like to check with you guys how to create an analysis to check a certain directory for rights and permissions. For example, I have this folder in root of C:\ drive called DIR1 and user group GROUP1. I wanted to check if GROUP1 is listed in the security group of DIR1 folder and should have FULL CONTROLL as well.

C:\DIR1 exist and GROUP1 has rights and has full controll permission over DIR1 else Audit Fails

Thanks & Best Regards.

(imported comment written by brolly3391)

Hello rvnava,

This particular request is exciting for me because I have not really played much with the security inspectors yet.

I started working with the system folder because it has an interesting ACL.

q: security descriptor of system folder

A: D:PAI(A;;0x1200a9;;;BU)(A;OICIIO;GXGR;;;BU)(A;;0x1301bf;;;PU)(A;OICIIO;SDGXGWGR;;;PU)(A;;FA;;;BA)(A;OICIIO;GA;;;BA)(A;;FA;;;SY)(A;OICIIO;GA;;;SY)(A;;FA;;;BA)(A;OICIIO;GA;;;CO)

q: (trustee of it, generic all permission of it) of entries of DACL of security descriptor of system folder

A: BUILTIN\Users, False

A: BUILTIN\Users, False

A: BUILTIN\Power Users, False

A: BUILTIN\Power Users, False

A: BUILTIN\Administrators, False

A: BUILTIN\Administrators, True



A: BUILTIN\Administrators, False


q: exists entries whose (trustee of it as string as lowercase contains “administrators” and generic all permission of it) of DACL of security descriptor of system folder

A: True

Your version might look like this:

q: exists entries whose (trustee of it as string as lowercase contains “group1” and generic all permission of it) of DACL of security descriptor of folder “c:\DIR1”

A: True

Note: I am not a member of a domain so this might work differently for a domain attached machine. But the concept is there.



(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Thanks Brolly … this would do great!