Assets discovery fails with network range

(imported topic written by rad.ricka91)

Hello boys and girls,

just wondering if anybody else is getting failures with asset discover (nmap) when scanning a specific subnet range.

Scan of local subnet works perfectly well. Scan of a range such as ( fails at

continue if {(exists file whose (name of it starts with “nmap-” AND exists line whose (it as lowercase contains “nmap run completed at”) of it) of folder (pathname of windows folder & “\temp\nmap”))}

… even though the file seems to exist.

Just wondering if anybody’s seen it before. I haven’t had the time to troubleshoot it properly yet, so don’t spend time on it ;)))



(imported comment written by rad.ricka91)


so further search revealed that the nmap engine fails with " failed to determine route to" despite default route being present. This seems to be a well known issue if you google it, but no solutions in sight. The client is subnetted on /28 network, while the network being scanned is /24.

If a local adress/interface is specified (-S) then nmap quits with “NmapArpCache() can only take IPv4 addresses”.

Problem seems to be just with nmap, rather then BF.
