Asset Information Using Rest Call

Hi All,

I’m using below query to get all the Computer information present in BigConsole

(IDs of it , Names of it , Operating Systems of it , Last Report Times of it) of bes computers

Now I’m planning to restrict the relevance and don’t want information related to ESXI. Can anyone please help with the filter which needs to be applied?

If I’ve understood what you’re asking, perhaps something like the following:

(IDs of it , Names of it , Operating Systems of it , Last Report Times of it) of bes computers whose (agent type of it = "Native")

I was looking for the same…

I’m using below curl script to gather the data but getting error, Could you please suggest!!

curl.exe -X GET --user “xyz:xyz” -o BIGFIX.TXT “<http://abc:52311/api/query?relevance=(IDs of it , Names of it , Operating Systems of it , Last Report Times of it) of bes computers whose (agent type of it = Native)>”

What is the error that’s being returned?

Got an ‘operator’ error… The operator “native” is not defined

So, in your query above, you seem to be missing double-quotes around ‘Native’ for the agent type comparison/filter. I’m guessing this was due to challenges with including double-quotes in the command-line. With cURL, one thing you can do is to leverage its data/URLEncoding capabilities to help simplify this a bit. Try something like:

curl -X GET --user "xyz:xyz" https://abc:52311/api/query -G --data-urlencode "relevance=(IDs of it , Names of it , Operating Systems of it , Last Report Times of it) of bes computers whose (agent type of it = %22Native%22)"

In the case above, we’re using %22 to signify double-quotes.