
I’m trying to collect CSV file from client machines with ArchiveManager
setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-(Test)”="/var/opt/BESClient/201908*/*.CSV" on “{now}” for client
I have challenge due to folder name having unique name on each server, example 201908201826 (folder) where CSV file will be. I’m trying with above settings where i’m not getting file. Any idea how to give settings.

Hello psivaraman05,

Depending on amount of CSV files and their size, you might try to run an action to copy all the needed files into a temp directory and set Archive Manager to collect files from that directory.

Here is an example I just tried on my Win box:

q: pathnames of descendants whose (name of it as lowercase ends with ".csv") of folders whose (name of it starts with "201908") of folder "d:\_test"
A: d:\_test\20190801\12.cSv
A: d:\_test\20190802\345.csV
A: d:\_test\20190803\6.Csv

Or you could create multiple _BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-(), one for each file


I want to copy the file "******01.CSV " from all client machine to IEM root server.

Here my challenge :

Folder location : /var/opt/BESClient/20190809093321/

Where the folder : 20190809093321 is not unique for all client servers .

Hence I tried to search the file in order to use the file patch in archive manager

See below :

I got a file full patch while using the below code .

Q: pathnames of find files ".CSV" of (descendant folders of folder “/var/opt/BESClient”)
A: /var/opt/BESClient/20190809093321/
T: 8024

But when I used inside parameter , I got a below error .

Q: Q: parameter “ArchiveManager_FileSet” = "pathnames of find files “*.CSV” of (descendant folders of folder “/var/opt/BESClient”)"
E: This expression contained a character which is not allowed.

My original code as follows :

parameter “ArchiveManager_FileSet” = "pathnames of find files “*.CSV” of (descendant folders of folder “/var/opt/BESClient”)"
setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-(EP2)”=“parameter “ArchiveManager_FileSet”” on “{now}” for client

The example above from your original code contains 3 different kinds of double quotes instead of just regular double quotes character. Please note that there more instances of wrong double quote chars in your original code.

If you make an empty line and then after 4 spaces post your code on this forum, it will be visible much better:

” = "pathnames of find files “

Also you’re trying to assign multiple values found by your relevance to a single _BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet

To clarify:

This setting (or a group of settings with optional tags) specifies the files to be archived. This technique lets you specify multiple named batches of files. Each setting starts with "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-" and ends with a batch name (the <tag> part).
The value of each setting is a path on the client file system. It can be a single file, in which case that file is part of the archive; a single directory, in which case all files in the directory will be part of the archive; or a directory path ending with wild cards, in which case all files in the directory matching the wild cards will be part of the archive.

Source: IBM Documentation

Hi Vnovik,

Thanks for quick help.

I’m getting failed with this error.

Command succeeded parameter “ArchiveManager_FileSet” = “pathnames of descendants whose (name of it ends with “.CSV”) of folders whose (name of it starts with “201908”) of folder “/var/opt/BESClient/__G**/E2/results/E2_D**”” (action:1025627)
Command failed (Missing ‘on’ keyword) setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-(EP2)” = parameter “ArchiveManager_FileSet” on “Wed, 21 Aug 2019 06:36:49 -0400” for client (action:1025627)

I think it should be something like this (from the top of my head)

= "{parameter "ArchiveManager_FileSet"}"

But again, the result of the relevance “pathnames of …” is multiple files and you are trying to assign multiple files to a single _BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-(EP2) setting

Hi Vnovik,

Still its failing.
Failed setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-(EP2)” = “{parameter “ArchiveManager_FileSet”}” on “{now}” for client

Whether parametet can be added toArchiveManager_FileSet ?

Regarding assign multiple files, i have removed other folders. Now only one CSV file available.
Q: pathnames of descendants whose (name of it ends with “.CSV”) of folders whose (name of it starts with “201908”) of folder "/var/opt/BESClient/__G**/E*2/results/E2_D*"
A: /var/opt/BESClient/__G
T: 1727

for more information

Command failed (Missing ‘on’ keyword) setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-(EP2)” = “pathnames of descendants whose (name of it ends with “.CSV”) of folders whose (name of it starts with “201908”) of folder “/var/opt/BESClient/__GTS/EP2/results/”” on “Wed, 21 Aug 2019 06:58:05 -0400” for client (action:1025628)

You need to enclose the relevance substitution in {} tags, and also please use the “code” tagwhen posting the code

So the code appears like this.

You’ll need to replace the doublequotes here but try

setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-(EP2)” = “{pathnames of descendants whose (name of it ends with “.CSV”) of folders whose (name of it starts with “201908”) of folder “/var/opt/BESClient/__GTS/EP2/results/”}” on “{now}” for client

Hi Janson,
Still this is failing with
Command failed (Relevance substitution failed) setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-(EP2)” = “{pathnames of descendants whose (name of it ends with “.CSV”) of folders whose (name of it starts with “201908”) of folder “/var/opt/BESClient/__GTS/EP2/results/”}” on “{now}” for client (action:1025631)