Archive Manager, file naming problem (special characters @ and # in filename)

Hello all,

for upload files from the client to the server, we have set a custom setting like this:

_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-(ABC_UNIX_dsmsched.log_2) /var/tmp/tsmlog/server1@server1#dsmsched.log

Archive Manager uploads the file, but the filename is changed to


on the BigFix Server.

Means, the @ and the # are removed from the filename during upload which is a problem as we use @ and # as a seperator to organize the files.

Does someone knows, how to set the custom settings correctly to avoid this filename change?

BigFix Server: Windows
Client: Unix

Thanks for any hint

Files that are uploaded in the Archive Manager have their names sanitized for compatibility between different operating systems and codepages. The original name would be within the index.txt file when it was uploaded

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Hello AlanM

thanks for this information.
Yes, the original name is in the index.txt file like:
means: @ will be in place // # is replaces by %23

Let’s see, how we can handle this.

Regards, Michael

Why are you uploading this to the root server at all? Is this for debugging and troubleshooting only?

You can get the status of TSM backups using a BigFix analysis without the need to upload these files.

In most cases I wouldn’t recommend using upload manager at all when you can write an analysis to pull out just the info you need and it can automatically get the data every 12 hours or whatever interval you choose.

See here: