Archive Manager - Can't Archive "apt" folder but able to upload other folders


I’m using the following options in the ActionScript:

Similar Settings:
// set max size to 524288000 to prevent too much data. If the zip file is to bigger than 500MBs the upload won't occur
setting "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_MaxArchiveSize"="524288000" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client 
setting "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_OperatingMode"="2" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client

Option 1:
setting "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu2004"="/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches\ for\ Ubuntu\ 2004/apt/*.*" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
setting "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu1804"="/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches\ for\ Ubuntu\ 1804/apt/*.*" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
setting "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu1604"="/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches\ for\ Ubuntu\ 1604/apt/*.*" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client

Option 2:
setting "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu2004"="/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches\ for\ Ubuntu\ 2004/apt" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
setting "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu1804"="/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches\ for\ Ubuntu\ 1804/apt" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
setting "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu1604"="/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches\ for\ Ubuntu\ 1604/apt" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client

Option 3:
setting "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu2004"="/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches for Ubuntu 2004/apt/*.*" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
setting "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu1804"="/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches for Ubuntu 1804/apt/*.*" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
setting "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu1604"="/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches for Ubuntu 1604/apt/*.*" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client

// send results 
archive now

Non of them Actually Archive the Folder Apt
I’m deploying the same action on different Ubuntu Flavors - Non of them is working

I can archive the following folder:
setting "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-EDRDeployData"="/var/opt/BESClient/EDRDeployData" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client

Attaching Information:
Client Settings:

Existance of Files:

Successful Upload:

Files that were uploaded:

Wish you can help :slight_smile:

So, it’s uploading the files in the folder but you want it to upload the folder itself?
No subdirectory structure is going to be created in the UploadManagerData folder. If you want to preserve some kind of structure you would need to create an archive (tar, zip, etc.) and then upload the zip file.

@JasonWalker no, not even the files, If you look in the Client Settings -

  • FileSet-Ubuntu2004
  • FileSet-Ubuntu1804
  • FileSet-Ubuntu1604

Those Label are not showing in the “Files that were uploaded” screenshot

On the “Existance of Files:” screenshot you can see that there are files in that folder.

Hmm…at first glance, option 3 looks right to me, and worked in my test (v11 Client on Ubuntu 22.04 for reference, though I’m not aware of a version consideration here):

_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu2204 = /var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches for Ubuntu 2204/apt/*.*

What does the Client log say, and how are you invoking the Archive Manager to upload?

@ara, here is an example

// set max size to 524288000 to prevent too much data. If the zip file is to bigger than 500MBs the upload won’t occur
setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_MaxArchiveSize”=“524288000” on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client
setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_OperatingMode”=“2” on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client

setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu2004”="/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches for Ubuntu 2004/apt/." on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client
setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu1804”="/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches for Ubuntu 1804/apt/." on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client
setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu1604”="/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches for Ubuntu 1604/apt/." on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client

archive now

And what does the Client log show for that action execution?

I just tried on another machine (Ubuntu 1804 with v10 Client) successfully with the following actionscript:

// save existing ArchiveManager settings
parameter “prevOperatingMode” = “{if (exists setting whose (name of it = “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_OperatingMode” and exists value of it) of client) then value of setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_OperatingMode” of client else “0”}”
parameter “prevMaxArchiveSize” = “{if (exists setting whose (name of it = “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_MaxArchiveSize” and exists value of it) of client) then value of setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_MaxArchiveSize” of client else “52428800”}”

// manual upload settings
setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_OperatingMode”=“2” on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client
setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_MaxArchiveSize”=“52428800” on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client
setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu2004”=“/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches for Ubuntu 2004/apt/.” on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client

// send results
archive now

// restore previous settings or leave a default
setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_OperatingMode”=“{parameter “prevOperatingMode”}” on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client
setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_MaxArchiveSize”=“{parameter “prevMaxArchiveSize”}” on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client

@JasonWalker @Aram Thanks for your help! Went to sleep and then I’ve seen the error I’ve made :slight_smile:

I’ve forgot to add / in the end of the folder name

Which causes it to look for apt file and not the apt folder

The following settings worked and uploaded all of the files under that folder (it does not include sub-folders)

setting "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu2004"="/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches for Ubuntu 2004/apt/" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
setting "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu1804"="/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches for Ubuntu 1804/apt/" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
setting "_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-Ubuntu1604"="/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/Patches for Ubuntu 1604/apt/" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client