Applicable visible fixlets to a system

I’m trying to create a custom report that will show only visible applicable fixlets for a system. I’m not able to find the visible property though. The session relevance tester Inspector Reference says it’s the ‘visible flag’, but i get an error. Here is what I have written:

(name of fixlet of it as string, visible flag of it) of results whose (name of computer of it as string as lowercase = “computerName”) of bes fixlets whose (name of site of it = “Enterprise Security”)

little help???

Only “globally visible flag” has been implemented in Web Reports.

Lee Wei

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This relevance will work for what you’re trying to do:

names of (relevant fixlets of bes computer whose (name of it as lowercase = "Windows81x64" as lowercase)) whose (name of site of it = "Enterprise Security" and globally visible flag of it = true )

This should work too and I think it looks a little cleaner:

names of elements whose (name of site of it = "Enterprise Security" and globally visible flag of it = true) of (relevant fixlet set of bes computer whose (name of it as lowercase = "Windows81x64" as lowercase))

thanks @leewei and @strawgate for the help. works like a charm now!