App Store Apps - getting an Analysis

Anyone have an Analysis to gather all apps on a Windows 10 machine that use the App Store?

Would be super appreciative.



Will this work for you?

q: string values of selects “name from Win32_InstalledStoreProgram” of WMI

it say the operator “values” is not defined this is what I get when I run your suggestion. is there something missing?


Do you have the word ‘string’ in front of values?

q: string values of selects “name from Win32_InstalledStoreProgram” of WMI
A: Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml
A: Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml
A: Microsoft.Windows.CloudExperienceHost
A: Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost
A: Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager
A: windows.immersivecontrolpanel
A: Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin
A: Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge
A: Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay
A: Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI
A: Microsoft.LockApp

I copied your syntax exactly and this is what I get (see attached)




Oh, the forum tends to rewrite the double quotes to something that’s not interpretable… pls. replace the double quotes and give it a try…

The forum is replacing double quotes with “smart quotes”. Remove and re-type the quotes 8n your property relevance.

Suggest using the “code” formatting button in the format bar. looks like this </>

q: string values of selects "name from Win32_InstalledStoreProgram" of WMI
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