Api query for relays

I want to create an API query that returns the primary and secondary relay for all clients and relays. I can’t find any example of this.


What’s you’re wanting to do is possible through session relevance. I believe you’re going to want the “relay server of bes computer” property. You can get additional details from the following links:

Hope this helps.

Thanks! That does return the relays, do you know of a way to identify primary and secondary relays?

According to this IBM support document (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21506250) it should be __RelayServer1 and __RelayServer2, but I’m not 100% certian if that’s just for the client property name or if that translates to session relevance. I would recommend downloading the Session Relevance Tester tool or to utilize the Presentation Debugger in the BES console to run some queries to gather all of the details you’re looking to report against.