API - overwrite existing file in site

I’m working on a file distribution where a file with parameters gets periodically sent down to the endpoints.

I’m using curl to post the file to the site and distribute to the targets which works great:

curl -k -H "ISClientFile: 1" -X POST -F "file=@\_Temp\myfile.csv" "https://servername:52311/api/site/custom/mysite/files"

The issue I have is when I want to replace that file with a new version, I can’t seem to find a way to overwrite:

Attempt to create a file on site 'mysite' with the same name 'myfile.csv' of one already existing.

I could do a GET to retrieve the file ID, and then do a DELETE to remove it before re-posting the new file…but there must be a way to invoke overwrite instead?

When you do this manually via the console “Add files to site…” under tools you get an overwrite option.


In my testing you can use a PUT on the file ID to replace it. This means you have to query the existing file ID first and then do a REST PUT to /<Site>/File/ID to replace the file.


check if the thread Difference between Put and Post in IEM CLI can help You