API integration with Service Now


So I have been task to make sure that BigFix is ready to receive all calls to BigFix.
The Idea is that thru Service now, somone puts a request (the Service now guy does his thing, he understands all of API section.) but Im being asked for the “Endpoint API site” per this article:


I’m lead to understand that this is only to retrieve data and he will not be able to send actions.

And that the “Endpoint API” is the webreports site.

I would appreciate some direction if any of you have had to deal with this in the past. or some direction on how to get this configure. since what I’m grasping is that this should be already configured.


Hi Cookie,

the SNOW integration side can be handled in one of two ways. You can write python/java code on the MID server to provide the conduit to and from Bigfix <–> SNOW…or you can create a scoped application inside of SNOW. Either way does the job and requires knowledge of the SNOW and Bigfix REST API. If you are going to Think next week we are doing a presentation on this exact topic and the methods that we have instrumented to pull this off. We do everything from discovery to service requests for updating patches/computer settings.



Will the presentation be shared after? We’ve always been interested in exploring this integration as well.

oh, this sounds great!

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