API - https://Server/api/query?

Hello, I’m new to the world of BigFix and I’m studying.

ran the following command to get the properties of a specific computer https://server:52311/api/computer/12816340

However, I noticed that the “Controladora de Vídeo - Windows” property is not shown.

How could you bring this information?

the idea is to bring the property “Computer Name” + “Controladora de Vídeo - Windows”


As you may have noticed, /api/computer/{computer id} only returns core properties, and Video Controller - Windows is an analysis property in BES Inventory and License.

As your topic’s title suggests, you can use /api/query and pass it a session relevance statement to create advanced queries to return (and format, etc…) all kinds of data from the BigFix database.

There are some different query approaches, but a relatively simple one for this example is below:

(name of computer of it | “n/a”, values of it) of results from (bes property “Video Controller - Windows”) of bes computers

When passing this to API query, consider URL-encoding the session relevance. The following reference may also be helpful in case you want the output to be JSON rather than the default XML: https://developer.bigfix.com/rest-api/relevance_queries.html

Thank you, it worked perfectly.

https://server:52311/api/query?relevance=(names of it, ids of it,values of results from (bes property “Video Controller - Windows”) of it,values of results from (bes property “Computer Model - Windows”)of it) of bes computers

Glad to hear it!

As a follow-up note, if you’re going to be performing such queries for many properties at once (I can see you already added one more in your example above :slight_smile: ), I’d suggest having a look at @brolly33’s great post around Efficient Session Relevance Query for Computer Properties


I saw your post and found it very interesting to read the properties of a .

However, I believe you are doing it the wrong way.


I’m new to the bigfix world, I still don’t know many terms

Thanks for the support

Try that relevance (which in this case is Client relevance) in Fixlet Debugger :slight_smile: Then take the output (session relevance) and feed it to /api/query.