Anyone notice a console "hang" every few minutes?

Whenever I’m working in the console for a long period of time (mostly writing fixlets/copy/editing them), I notice the console just hangs-will not take any input for a something like 5 seconds, every 5 minutes or so… Annoying but not end of world…
It never crashes, it’s just dead for a moment… The main PC is high end, lots of memory…

Both my PCs are doing that with the console, I’ve noticed a CPU spike in resource monitor while that happens… Odd…
v9.5.6.63 but it’s happened on all previous versions - and not to any of my colleagues in other locations - makes me wonder if it’s location related but I don’t see any network spike… jsut CPU…

It happens a lot on my console too. Question to you. How many open actions do you have in your console?

Any way I’ve gotten around this is to reduce the time between console refreshes. If it truly becomes a problem for me I turn replication off and I have to hit update manually.

I see this too and as @masonje suggests, increasing the refresh can help reduce it. I find it more painful when in or editing an analysis as that generates more frequent console hangs. On the bright side, more and more functionality is being added to WebUI which will lessen the need to use the console.

I have had this happen before also.

Some things to try:

  1. Clear out your cache and restart the console (File > Preferences > Clear Cache)
  2. Stop the console and delete the cache files (Delete “C:\Users<user id>\AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console”)
  3. Check Antivirus exclusions. (!/wiki/Tivoli+Endpoint+Manager/page/Real+Time+AV+Exclusions)
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Thank you guys for confirming it’s not just me… Ironically, it IS just me at work apparently (either that or I notice it and they do not because I live int he console). I’ve done all of the above, actually this latest console is on a fresh image and was installed maybe 2 weeks ago. We (team of 10 users) all have the same # of open actions visible, but only my 2 machines exhibit this behavior… And I can see it peg one of the the CPU cores when it happens… I have increased the refresh, will see what that does :wink: Thanks !

Increasing or reducing the update interval?

I’d also add that the number of columns you are displaying in your views can have an effect, especially if you are displaying a large number of computers or columns with large result sizes. For instance if you are showing “Installed Applications - Windows” as a column result with hundreds of results for each computer, and thousands of computers listed per your filters, I believe that can slow down the console refresh as well.

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The console periodically updates its session cache from the server, and when it does so your UI will freeze for a moment. The duration of the update will depend on how long ago the last update occurred and how much new data is in the database and how fast your connection is to the root server. This means if you decrease the frequency of the update and you have a busy system the “freeze” may be for longer than you like so it can take some tuning.

Of course if you use the WebUI you don’t get the freeze :slight_smile:

Large amounts of data displayed in the computers view has been the cause of this happening to individual users in our environment. When our developers are working on custom content, they add a lot of columns to their console view, many of them containing loads of data. I check their BESconsole.exe process memory usage which is a good indicator of how large their cache is gettiing compared to other users. To fix it, reduce the number of column headers in your Computers view, especially any that contain large amounts of data. Then go to File, Preferences, click the “Clear Cache” button, close your console, and then reopen it.