Any way to export and import BES Web Reports?

(imported topic written by PatNOregon)

I have 4 sites where we are ensuring that all Computer Properties, Analyses, and Web Reports are matched (Obviously custom fixlets are not a prob). We are all currently running 5.1 (6.0+ coming soon I hope). I know in 6.0 you can export / import properties which would be a big help but what about Web Reports?

The Web Reports are great, but before we get too many of them, I want to know if I need to just deal with having to create them manually at each site or is there a light at the end of the tunnel to make this easier to setup and stay matched.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey PatNOregon,

All the public/private report definitions are stored in the BESREPORTING database in the SAVED_REPORTS table. If you want to move them between servers, you can insert the rows directly in the database with some basic SQL.

Is that what you were looking for?


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I have a few web reports where the query data is pretty much static but the computer list needs updating. The computer list consists of 100 or so machines. I have to manually input each machine name in the filter.

Is there a way to export the filter, edit it and re-import the filter?

Or inject a new filter of the list of computers into SQL so that I can import the filter from the Web reports console?


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

To export a web report:

Install Firebug

Open the Web Report in question.

Open Firebug

Open the console

Run the following code:

{ WR.PrintReportXML() }

Copy everything between the following two tags (including the two tags) into a text file and name it FileName.beswrpt


Import it in Web Reports.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Let me correct the code:

To export a web report:

Install Firebug

Open the Web Report in question.

Open Firebug

Open the console

Run the following code:


Copy everything between the following two tags (including the two tags) into a text file and name it FileName.beswrpt


Import it in Web Reports.