Any Idea if we can make no re-deployment of baselines Open Action

Regarding this topic “Any Idea if we can make no re-deployment of baselines Open Action”:

May i know if we can create baselines open action without need for re-deployment (stop the current open action and deploy a new action) if there are new baselines component or updates on existing baselines component?

When you create an action it’s like a snapshot in time for that moment.

What is your use case? What you are trying to accomplish?

Example 1: Shortcut Icon Deployment by Site. Inside the bigfix action script we have a standard / templates of shortcut icons URL (using list array)

Example 2: We have a group / collection of standard site based application for the base build. Since we collect all the standard site based application and add them into baselines component and deploy with open action to an automatic group (based on build subnet)

So every time we have new apps or update to the existing component or to the action script it will auto sync to existing open action without need to re-deploy

If you have Software Distribution module - on the Software Distribution Dashboard you can create application group of apps and when you make updates you just need to click on “Sync” and it will stop the action itself and create a new open.

If you want it to be fully automated - you can create a Custom Site with your custom content (make sure they are Fixlets and not Tasks) and then use WebUI Patch Policy with a daily schedule and daily auto refresh

It will create additional actions of course - but you just need to delete the old actions - if you want to automate it there are content that can help you with that.

Does that help you?