Anomaly at Computer Groups

(imported topic written by Yungkie_Gunawan91)

Dear all,

I faced an anomaly at “Computer Groups (CG)”, which is I have “Relevance” like this:

((it does not contain “a000c”) and (it does not contain “a000n”) and (character 0 of it is not “t”)) of (computer name as lowercase)

But when I do “Action” based on this “CG”, there is some host name started with “A000C” & “A000N” include in “Applicable Computers”

If I create a new “CG” then runs an “Action”, the problem solved, but when I used already listed “CG” the problem occurred

Is there is something wrong with my “Relevance” above?

Many thanks before



(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey Yungkie,

Your relevance looks solid.

Is it possible that perhaps you edited the relevance of the group many times and the A000C computer reported to an earlier version of the automatic group?


(imported comment written by Yungkie_Gunawan91)

Dear Ben,

Thanks for your answer

I haven’t edit the relevance again for a month, I just run an action based on that relevance, but the result is not what I expect, so I made a new one with different name, run an action on it, and the result is correct

Is there anything else that can make the result gone wrong?



(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Yungkie,

Nothing obviously jumps out at me… You might check out the file “Group XX.fxf” at “C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\actionsite” to see if the relevance is as you expect.

You can contact support and they can look at it in more detail if you would like.


(imported comment written by Yungkie_Gunawan91)

Dear Ben,

Thanks, I’ll try your suggestion

