!Announcing the Ohio Valley User Group!

:fire: Announcing the Ohio Valley User Group! :fire:

I’m thrilled to announce we’re hosting the event for IT & Security Administrators, Engineers, and Business Owners on Thursday August 8th in Cincinnati OH USA from 10AM to 3PM.

What you’ll get:
***An exclusive session with JG Stew
***A private Roadmap & Product Strategy session with Product Management including face time for you to share feedback and ask questions about what is coming
***1:1 face time with your Technical Advisor
***Live demos - you want to see what we have cooking with AI? All kinds of innovation leading to huge ROI
***We’ll be celebrating a BigFix birthday and yes, of course there will be cake! A very nice lunch, snacks, & other refreshments will be served, too.

Addl Details
***This event will be held at a unique venue that will enable you to relax and collaborate with your fellow BigFixers, you can ditch the home or work office for the day
***Free for BigFix customers and Business Partners
***US Federal Employees and Contractors: you are authorized to attend. DO NOT REGISTER VIA EVENTBRITE if you are employed by a Federal Agency or Federal Integrator. Please reach out to Michelle McGough, Ken Vendler, Rhonda Studnick Kaiser or Devaughn Rackham for registration.

Registration link for Commercial, Private, State & Local Government, and Non-Profits: BigFix Insiders: Ohio Valley Tickets, Thu, Aug 8, 2024 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite


Still waiting for something similar to happen for US East coast users :frowning:

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where on the East Coast would be a good place to hold it though? Is there somewhere close(ish) to your location that would be a suitable venue? I would love an East Coast or three BUGs to happen…maybe North, central and south to cover the whole East Coast? Say Boston, Raleigh, and Orlando(ish) to cover north to south?
Thing being is organizing them requires time and effort and customer participation.
Contact mcjee, or rhonda with ideas for them to follow up on with people.