Analysys issues returning errors

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

I have an analysis the works for my Solaris and AIX hosts, but returns for Linux.

But if I run the statement in the QNA it returns good results? what am I doing wrong

if ( name of operating system contains “Linux”) then (version of package “obsdssh” of rpm) else if ( name of operating system contains “SunOS”) then (version of pkginfo “OBSDssh” of pkgdb) else if ( name of operating system contains “AIX”) then (following text of first “OpenSSH_” of preceding text of first “p1” of line 1 of file “/opt/sni/unix/etc/sshversion”) else “unknown”

Q: version of package “obsdssh” of rpm

A: 5.5p1-rdht1

I would also like to capture only the 5.5 value, but this does not work either?

Q: (proceding text of first “p1” of it) of (version of package “obsdssh” of rpm)

E: The operator “first” is not defined.

The first part of the property statement is returning

if ( name of operating system contains “Linux”) then (version of package “obsdssh” of rpm)

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

q: (preceding text of first “p1” of it) of “xxxxxp1”

A: xxxxx

So, I’m guessing the “first” operator doesn’t like trying to work on a “version” object. Try “as string” after rpm.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Yes that worked! Thanks

Q: (preceding text of first “p” of it) of (version of package “obsdssh” of rpm as string)

A: 5.8

T: 1300