Analysis to show number of relevant fixlets for 1, 2+ Months behind

(imported topic written by Marlon91)

I created the analysis and used this relevance for the “1 Month Behind” property:

number of relevant fixlets whose ((current date - 1*month) <= (value of header “X-Fixlet-Source-Release-Date” of it as date)) of site “bessecurity”

Then this one for “2+ Months Behind”:

number of relevant fixlets whose ((current date - 1*month) > (value of header “X-Fixlet-Source-Release-Date” of it as date)) of site “bessecurity”

The thing is that when you get the numbers back and add them, they are higher than the number of relevant fixlets shown on the console under the same site (“Enterprise Security”). I figured the problem out by changing the “number of” part to ("values of headers “Subject” of) in the relevance and then comparing it to the console’s list. The reason is that it also includes the relevant tasks from that site. Is there a property or flag somewhere I missed that will only get me the fixlets and not the tasks?

I dug around a bit and found that the fixlet header “X-Fixlet-CVE” seems to have some value for all fixlets and none at all for the tasks, but of course I couldn’t check them all to validate this reasoning. Does anyone know it for a fact or as I asked above anyone knows some other property I can check for?

Thank you,


(imported comment written by dgibson91)

If you look at the actual “relevant fixlets” being returned, you will probably see they include tasks baselines, and analysis.

I working on a _technician.html file for the bes client dashboard which displays relevant fixlets on the PC. I am limiting it with X-Fixlet-Type :

<table> <tr> <td>This PC is relevant 

for <b><?relevance number of relevant fixlets whose (exists header 
"Subject" of it and exists header 
"X-Fixlet-Source-Severity" of it and (not exists header 
"X-Fixlet-Type" of it or (value of header 
"X-Fixlet-Type" of it as lowercase != 
"task" and value of header 
"X-Fixlet-Type" of it as lowercase != 
"baseline")) and (not exists header 
"X-Fixlet-Type" of it or value of header 
"X-Fixlet-Type" of it as lowercase != 
"analysis")) of sites ?></b> fixlets </td></tr> <tr><td> <table style=
"font-size: 11px;"> <thead><tr><th align=
"left">Fixlet Name</th><th align=
"left">Severity</th><th align=
"left">Release Date</th></tr></thead> <tbody> <?relevance trs of (td of value of header 
"Subject" of it & td of value of header 
"X-Fixlet-Source-Severity" of it & td of value of header 
"X-Fixlet-Source-Release-Date" of it) of relevant fixlets whose (exists header 
"Subject" of it and exists header 
"X-Fixlet-Source-Severity" of it and (not exists header 
"X-Fixlet-Type" of it or (value of header 
"X-Fixlet-Type" of it as lowercase != 
"task" and value of header 
"X-Fixlet-Type" of it as lowercase != 
"baseline")) and (not exists header 
"X-Fixlet-Type" of it or value of header 
"X-Fixlet-Type" of it as lowercase != 
"analysis")) of sites ?> </tbody> </table> </td></tr> </table>