Analysis to check whcih machines have NIC as thier first boot option

Hi Guys,

I need to identify the machines which have NIC as their first boot option.
Need that so that we can make HDD the first boot option for all DELL machines.

Thanks in advance.



For Dell hardware you would do this using Dell Command | Configure. You’d install Dell Command | Configure, dump the bios configuration and then read it in using an analysis.

Have you checked out C3? C3 - Free BigFix Community Content Libraries

All of this content already exists in C3 for you to use for free. There is even a walkthrough on setting this up:|-Configure-Usage

The first thing to do will be to subscribe to the C3 Patch and C3 Inventory sites

Hi Strawgate,

It’s fascinating that you have such a nice site, But I don’t think I will be allowed to subscribe to it in our environment due to security compliance.

Kanik Garg


When I say subscription I simply mean requesting access on, you do not have to subscribe your environment at all.

Once you have access on you can download the Dell command and configure installer, configuration probe, and analysis.

These can then be copied or reproduced in the environment.
