Analysis taking more than 1000 ms

Hi Guys
I’m new to using bigfix. I have written below analysis but its taking more than 1000 m. Can you some one please help to re-write the more efficient version on below analysis

maximum of times generated of records whose ( source of it = "Application Popup" and description of it contains "Application Error" and now - time generated of it < 10*day) of (system event log)

Try this:

maximum of times generated of records whose (now - time generated of it < 10*day and source of it = "Application Popup" and description of it contains "Application Error") of (system event log)

This query might be slower and you might just be stuck with it being slow – the event log inspector is slow because of how many records it has to pour through. Let me know if that one does any better.

You could change the frequency the client reports on this to like 7 days or something so you aren’t impacting the client as much.

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