Analysis of metrics for Fixlet, Task and Basline execution

(imported topic written by MrFixit)

Folks I want to create an analysis and report that will provide that provide statistics for execution of Fixlets, Tasks and Baselines. Not sure of what all I can get from session relevance yet and I’ve spent very little time working with it so far but what I’m looking to do seems very doable.

  1. Overall Avg for (Time of Issue) to (Time to Start)

This should give me the average time that users experience from when they issue before the clients start the action.

  1. Overall Avg for (Time of Start) to (Time to Complete)

Looking for the avg time systems are actually running fixlets vs. the rest of the background stuff.

  1. (Per Fixlet Completed) both 1 and 2 above

Desire is to report for a given fixlet if the performance is consistent or how much it varies from site to site.

Help getting me started would be greatly appreciated.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Does this help get you started?


(imported comment written by MrFixit)

That did help to a degree. The values returned for last became nonrelevent is slightly different then what is reported in the console as when the action completed.

I’ve tried several combinations of "complete time of " and I’m unable to get anything to work in either Web Reports or Presentation Debugger.

My goal was to be able to get the same values as reported in the console for when a fixlet was issued to when a specific computer started and completed the action to do the report on.

I can get values for time issued of an action but the actual start and complete times when run on a specific computer.

I did find a discussion elsewhere that eludes to a comment that the values are not available with session relevance queries. Which made me question of what is published in the Session Inspectors help file … what is available and what isn’t. I had expected these to be available since I found it there.

Am I barking up the wrong tree for this and should just work against DB for this?



(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey Gary,

That is correct and those values aren’t available in session relevance… This thread might help too:

I will need to check on the docs, but if they reference these values, then it seems like a bug in the docs…


(imported comment written by nascarfan1691)

Hi, I am new here and to Big Fix in general but I am helping Gary on this project. I am working on finding the time started to time completed (or at least roughly). The code I have works but only when the action was applied to just one computer. If it was to multiple computers it fails with the error “singular expression refers to a non-unique object”. Am I missing something obvious or is there a better way to do this?

((last became nonrelevant of results of source fixlets of it) - (time issued of it)) of actions of results of bes actions whose (name of it is “C04: Instant Messaging - Disable Windows Messenger 4.0+”)



(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi James,

Yep, the relevance won’t work if there are multiple results because you didn’t specify what to do in this case… What do you want to do if there is more than one computer or more than one action? List all the results? Take the mean of the results?


(imported comment written by nascarfan1691)

I was trying to copy the idea in this code that you linked to before.

((last became nonrelevant of it) - (last became relevant of it)) of results whose (not relevant flag of it AND exists last became relevant of it) of (bes fixlets whose (name of it is “C - Apple QuickTime 7.6 Stand-Alone Player Available - Windows XP/2003/Vista”))

I want to subtract last became nonrelevant - time issued for each computer and list all of the results as time intervals. I already have working code to take the mean of the list once i can find it.

Thanks for your help,


(imported comment written by BenKus)

I see… So the tricky part is that there can be multiple actions per Fixlet and theoretically, an agent could respond to multiple actions… But rather than look through the Fixlets, I will just look through the actions in the session relevance…

See if this works:

( ( last became nonrelevant of result (item 0 of it, item 1 of it) whose (exists last became nonrelevant of it) - time issued of item 2 of it) of (computer of it, source fixlet of action of it, action of it) of results of (bes actions whose (exists source fixlet whose (name of it contains “C - Apple QuickTime 7.6 Stand-Alone Player Available - Windows XP/2003/Vista”) of it))


(imported comment written by nascarfan1691)

Wow thanks, that is pretty cool. I am still figuring out exactly how it works but it will work perfectly for me.

Thanks again for your help,
