Analysis no longer working, not sure why

Hello All, I have an analysis that has been running fine for months, and now for some reason, it shows an error, but I am not sure why. The analysis is parsing a log file that contains a directory output of file names.

For one, I would like to take out the parsing piece from the file, and just get the information from the file names directly, but I cannot formulate the relevance.

For two, I cannot for the life me understand why the analysis would be working for months, and then just stop. The file being parsed is still being generated and looks fine as far as I can tell. The analysis is below:

((item 1 of it & item 0 of it) of (preceding text of first "_" of it, (if (it ends with "p.dat") then "PETER" else if (it ends with "b.dat") then "BOB" else ("PETER";"BOB"))of it) of (following text of first "CHG_" of it | it) of following text of first "CHG_" of it) of lines whose(it contains "UPL_" and it contains ((month of it as two digits & "/" & day_of_month of it as two digits & "/" & year of it as string) of date (local time zone) of (now-1*day) as string) of date (local time zone) of (now-1*day)) of files "c:\TestDir.txt"

The debugger shows it getting held up on the “|” piece between “of it” and “it”. Any help would be appreciated, thanks guys.

I still cannot formulate the relevance for the direct file parsing from the directory, but I discovered why the analysis is not working. It seems that the analysis above can only deal with files containing “CHG”, whenever there is a file containing “FUL”, it appears to break the whole thing. If the FUL file is at the bottom of the dir list in the file, everything works ok. If it is a file at the top of the list with the “FUL” in the name, it gets hung up. Does anyone know of an easy way to allow the lines that contain “FUL” or how to do the same thing as the above analysis, but directly from the files in the directory? Thank you

You should provide a link to the original post:

Also, you should try: Relevance help, trying to parse from text file and concatenate name from each line - #7 by jgstew

The way you are doing this is a bit awkward.

Gotcha, I’ll take a look. Thank you. The original reason that I did this was because I thought that we didn’t have permission to pull straight from the directory, but I figured out later that we did :slight_smile: Sorry for the link miss.

I cannot seem to grasp this relevance to save my life :frowning: I am just trying to add “FUL_” to the existing “CHG_” that is already in the analysis. I need for the analysis to be able to parse both a file with FUL_ and CHG_ in the name. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much

((item 1 of it & item 0 of it) of (preceding text of first "_" of it, (if (it ends with "p.dat") then "PETER" else if (it ends with "b.dat") then "BACKUP" else ("PETER";"BOB"))of it) of (following text of first "CHG_" of it | it) of following text of first "CHG_" of it) of lines whose(it contains "UPL_" and it contains ((month of it as two digits & "/" & day_of_month of it as two digits & "/" & year of it as string) of date (local time zone) of (now-1*day) as string) of date (local time zone) of (now-1*day)) of files "c:\log\LOG.txt"

Ok, I found a “solution”, but it is kind of cheating. I just sorted the directory command to ensure the CHG files are all at the beginning and the FUL at the end. The analysis will not pull the FUL files, but it still parses through all of the CHG files, and that is the main thing. Thanks