Alternate of WebReports

We are using BigFix WebReports for reporting. We are also looking some other addon which can be used as alternate of WebReports.

I need some comparison between webreports and some other 3rd party tools.

…and did you have some third-party tools in mind? I think that it would be difficult for a third-party to keep compatible with BigFix, especially as schemas can change between versions

You can use 3rd party tools to make reports for BigFix.

You can use the REST API to query any data using session relevance and feed that into something else, though technically this data actually comes from the web reports server, but allowing you to feed that data into anything else and use the other tool to build reports with the raw data.

The other option is to directly read the BigFix DB (which could be either MSSQL or DB2 depending on your root server) and then feed that data into another tool. This method is more prone to breakage with changes to bigfix. There are also some things that are faster to query from the Web Report’s RAM cache than to query from the BigFix DB directly, so you could also go with a hybrid approach and do a mix of both where it makes sense.

Web Reports hasn’t had an update to it’s UI in a very long time, but you can build custom reports that use modern JavaScript and CSS so the reports themselves can actually be whatever you want in Web Reports if you build your own custom report. Other tools might make prettier custom reports by default, but if you know JavaScript/HTML/CSS you can actually do nearly anything inside of Web Reports.

after an extensive research it looks like BigFix report is good if we don’t spend more money. I myself liked Flexera BDNA but it is really expensive so we have decided to keep what we have and get the best out of it.