AIX Pre-Cache wizard

Try to use the Pre-Cache wizard for AIX patches and I get this error for any fixlet I select:

The selected Fixlet messages do not require any file downloads.

Which indicates to me I cannot pre-cache any AIX fixes to the relay server.

In this situation, the fixlet you are trying to pre-cache has no payload. In AIX world, try fixlets that are Interim Fixes, they do have payload.

I tried those also, still the same error. I am trying to speed the patching process up, once the patches are staged on the Relay they sit in pending download forever to the client. They do eventually work but it takes hours instead of manually which takes an hour at the most.

I have also tried selecting the Start client downloads before constraints are satisfied option with no results.

If we are talking about Interim fixes, that is abnormal, you should verify your relay servers network throughput/bandwitdth. If we are talking about TL upgrades, its highly advisable to have a NIM server which you can easily mount on your machines, BigFix TL fixlets have action 2 I believe to use NIM location.

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Thanks for the updates, I was advised by IBM to use an NFS repository, and then download them there. I would prefer to use the BigFIxx infrastructure that our Windows team uses to deploy the fixes, however the AIX Tl’s and SP’s are very large in comparison.

Is there a setting that we can turn on to disable the HASH and file verification? This is the part that can take forever and keep us in that pending download state!

I am able to successfully cache the files and then download them to the AIX client but then the verification part comes on and then we wait until it eventually works.

Thanks in advance!