I am having trouble putting the pieces together from the documentation for AIX Patching. The documentation is all over the place with different components that may or may not fit together. I want to use the NFS mount method, but how does that fit in with Manage Download Plug-ins or File Download Cacher? There needs to be a better flow to the documentation. A step-by-step would be nice rather than you can do this or you can do that.
I might suggest using the ‘AIX Advanced Deployment Wizard’ to register and manage an NFS repository. If you already have the AIX Download plugin configured, you can use the wizard to select NFS repositories and desired SPs/TLs and download via the BigFix infrastructure to the repository. In this case the NFS server requires a BigFix agent installed on it, and I would definitely use the _BESClient_Download_NormalStageDiskLimitMB client setting with increased values as these SPs/TLs can be in the 10GB range. Obviously the NFS server (Linux or AIX) requires sufficient space in /var while we transfer and stage the bff files before moving them into the exported NFS directory. Having said all that, you could also manually populate the NFS repository outside of BigFix.
Thanks. I will try the ‘AIX Advanced Deployment Wizard’. Maybe that will shed some light on the connection to the Download Plugin because at this point I don’t see how the download plugin fits into the setup.
When you use the wizard, an action will be created, and the prefetch will target the AIX Download plugin that will connect to IBM’s Fix Central and download all the bff files for the selected SP/TL onto the BigFix Root server, then they will be propagated out through any relays to the agent running on the NFS server.
Here is an example of the action prefetch where the URL specifies the AIX Download plugin
begin prefetch block
parameter "FixPack_0"="7200-04-02-2028"
parameter "BaseLevel_0"="7200-00"
parameter "FixDir_0"="{value of (setting "_BESClient_Custom_PatchesForAIX_NFS_Repo_Loc" of client) & "/" & parameter "BaseLevel_0" of action & "_" & parameter "FixPack_0" of action}"
add nohash prefetch item url=AIXProtocol://7200-00/7200-04-02-2028
collect prefetch items
Did you have to add a cert for your organization to TrustList.jks? I am not finding any instructions regarding this.
Did you do the following? The link referenced no longer exists.
Link your IBM ID to an IBM Customer Number (ICN) that is assigned to a valid contract.
You can link multiple ICNs to your IBM ID. For linking instructions, see the steps that
described in the announcement at http://www-01.ibm.com/support/icn/.
Please register the IBM ID credentials that you will use with the AIX R2 plugin with either your IBM Customer Number (ICN) or with machine details.