AIX Patching Issue

(imported topic written by Niraj Kumar Mishra)

Hi All,

We have activated all required analysis of AIX patching globally. We have an AIX machine 6.1 having technology level 7 with no service pack. When we check under fixlet for maintenance level or service pack catagory , we are unable to find any relevant TL or service pack for this machine . There is TL 8 is available for AIX 6.1 and some service pack as well. I am wondering that TL/Service is relevant for other AIX machine…but not for this machine.

Plugin configuration is upto date.

Can you Please advise me regarding the same. Earliest response will be highly appreciated in this regards. If you required any more information to troubleshoot the issue, Please let me know.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Thanks and Regards

Niraj Kumar Mishra

(imported comment written by Niraj Kumar Mishra)

Hi All,

Also I have gone through the relevance of AIX 6.1: Recommended Technology Level Package 6100-08 for one AIX 6.1 having TL 7 with no service pack and I found that below one of the relevance of this fixlet is false for this host.

((((parenthesized part 1 of it & parenthesized part 2 of it & (if (it = “CSP”) then “99” else it) of parenthesized part 3 of it) of match (regex “([0-9]})-([0-9]{2{4})-([0-9]{2}|CSP)”) of it) as integer) of (if (version of client >= “8.2”) then (current service pack of operating system as string) else ((if (exists file it whose (exists line 2 of it)) then (line 2 of file it) else “9999-99-99”) of ((pathname of (parent folder of client folder of current site)) & “/__OSLevel/oslevel.txt”)) as string )) < 61000800

Ideal it should relevant for the machine because TL of machine is lower than TL 8.

Please advise.



(imported comment written by Niraj Kumar Mishra)

Hi All,

Can any one please help me ?



(imported comment written by jgstew)

I’m not familiar with AIX. You might want to open a PMR to get this addressed.