AIX client - Fixlet Install Software Scanner unavailable

after manual install of AIX BESClient I wanted to do a Software scan.
Looks like I have to install a scanner for that, but the Fixlet Install or Upgrade Scanner is not available for this AIX computer.
Do I have to manually install it to the AIX client?

Any documentation for this?

Thanks, Igor

Igor, please see for additional details on setting up the scanner for BFI.

That is so kind of you, @cmcannady, got it up and running.
I have the sw scan completed.
Unfortunately sw scan did not detect an IBM product installed, Websphere MQ.
Is there any log file I can check for errors or msgs that help me fix this?
Thanks, Igor

I think this is the wiki that you’re looking for with respects to troubleshooting BFI scanning.

@cmcannady, thanks a lot for your reply.
I think there is another kind of problem here, not necessarily a technical one in the sense that scan does not work, generates an error or goes time out … but that the sw I am looking for is outdated, I think even out of support.
I have contacted support to find out if there is a way to include this sw into scan/reporting.
Thanks for the wiki hint.

Cheers, Igor

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