Airgap Response File Size


I have a daily routine that generates a new airgap reponse file which I have been using for a few years now. Recently the size of the airgap response file greatly increased and I am not sure what might have changed. I find is I run the routine manually I also get a large file size. Noth has changed on my side, same sitefile list same version of the airgap tool 9.5.15, so I am thining maybe something has changed on the HCL side of the coin.

Below is a screenshot of what I am seeing, as you can see the change in the file size is quite large.


We’d probably need a list of the sites you’re gathering to comment more meaningfully; but I note that’s about the time we released some major updates including BigFix 10.0.2, major updates to WebUI sites, changes in Mac content to handle OS renames, and changes in several sites to update non-Flash dashboards.

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This is what we typically gather:

G::BES Asset Discovery::
G::BES Inventory and License::
G::BES Support::
G::BigFix Client Compliance Configuration::
G::BigFix Labs::
N::BigFix OS Deployment for Windows::
G::Client Manager for Anti-Virus::
G::CIS Checklist for CentOS Linux 7::
G::DISA STIG Checklist for RHEL 6 RG03::
G::DISA STIG Checklist for RHEL 7::
G::DISA Checklist for Windows 10::
G::DISA STIG Checklist for Windows 2016::
G::DISA STIG Checklist for Windows 7::
G::Enterprise Security::
G::IBM Endpoint Manager for Software Use Analysis::
N::IBM Software Inventory::
G::Linux RPM Patching::
N::OS Deployment::
N::OS Deployment and Bare Metal Imaging::
G::Patches for CentOS6 Plugin R2::
G::Patches for CentOS7 Plugin R2::
G::Patches for CentOS 8::
G::Patches for RHEL 7::
G::Patches for RHEL 8::
G::Patches for RHEL6 Native Tools::
G::Patching Support::
G::Power Management::
G::SCM Reporting::
G::Server Automation::
G::Software Distribution::
G::Tivoli Remote Control::
G::Updates for Windows Applications::
G::Virtual Endpoint Manager::
G::Vulnerabilities to Windows Systems::

WebUI sites

G::Profile Management::
G::WebUI API::
G::WebUI App Admin::
G::WebUI Auto Patch::
G::WebUI Common::
G::WebUI Content App::
G::WebUI Custom::
G::WebUI Data Sync::
G::WebUI Framework::
G::WebUI Patch::
G::WebUI Permissions and Preferences::
G::WebUI Query::
G::WebUI Software Distribution::
G::WebUI Take Action::

Hello, so stopping the gather of all the WebUI sites resulted in a airgap response file that was significantly smaller. 370 MB as opposed to 1.3 GB. What the heck is in the response file for the webui sites that makes it so large and does one need to gather those sites every day or just when changes to those sites are announced?

I would suspect that the difference is delta updates vs complete updates of all subscribed/entitled external sites.

I believe WebUI pushes a lot of their app updates through site content.

If you are using the “normal” Airgap method where your server creates a request file, you should only be gathering delta updates. If you are using the “no-request” method where you manually list the sites to gather, you’ll get the full site echo time.

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At the time of 9.5.10, there were no “delta” update in Airgap. The traffic between BigFix server and clients may use delta, but Airgap did not.

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