Agent Does not Report - BAD SERVERNAME

I am getting the following error when looking at the agent logs:

FAILED to Synchronize - General transport failure. - BAD SERVERNAME (winsock error 4294967290 - gather url -

I can ping the server and when I put that URL in a browser it works just fine. Any ideas?

Also the client version is and the relays and root server match that version.

The error suggests a name resolution problem. Just for test, what if you put the name resolution in your local hosts file?

That seems to work but I donā€™t understand why resolution was failing. When I do an nslookup, ping, web browser entry with the hostname it resolves just fine. One thing of note is that this server does have itā€™s nics teamed. Donā€™t know if that would cause any issues?

Ok, that confirms the issue is in the resolutionā€¦
As far as I know, DNS queries can be done using UDP or TCP; it might be some of these traffic types to be blocked. I donā€™t know if/how having teamed nics can affect DNS query mechanism (I donā€™t think so).

Iā€™ve used the BESClient on teamed NICs, no particular configuration is required for that, it should be fine.

Iā€™d suspect some kind of endpoint security / antivirus / EDR / VPN client. Iā€™ve worked with at least one that can block network traffic ā€œper-applicationā€ so you might need to whitelist the BESClient?

I have seen same error message when the client system has resource exhaustion.
Like no free ephemeral ports, or memory, etc

The BESClient does not recover after it is denied a resource, the only way to recovery is restart the service.


I have done that and the only thing that seems to work is having the server in the host file. Very odd but this is the only location that does it.

If you havenā€™t opened a support ticket yet, that might be helpful.

Iā€™d take the hostname back out of the hosts file, enable client debug logging as described at , and then restart the client. The generated debug log might be helpful.

I recently saw one case where I believe an erroneous entry into the ā€˜last fallback relayā€™ masthead option left new clients unable to register. Note that in the error message you posted where it shows 'gather url ` that the URL listed is not necessarily the hostname of the server we are trying, but rather itā€™s more like a label or ā€˜nameā€™ of the site we are trying to gather. The client could still be using a Relay or Root server to get that site name.