Adobe Security Bulletin APSB10-16

(imported topic written by USMC175)

Is there an estimate as to when a fixlet will be available to address Adobe Security Bulletin APSB10-16?


(imported comment written by KimberlyNNH91)

I’m also waiting for this. Any news? thx

(imported comment written by tscott91)

Actually it’s already been posted… It’s fixlet 1091001…

I didn’t see it either as I was sorting by date and looking for something on the 11th.

(imported comment written by USMC175)


Thanks. The fixlet you are referring to is ‘Flash Player 10 Available - Internet Explorer’ located in the ‘Updates for Windows Application Site’. The Source ID for this fixlet is: ‘APSB10-16’

It would be helpful if BigFix would follow a consistent naming convention when assigning names to fixlets, especially those originating from critical out of band bulletins. The following fixlet is assigned a easily distinguishable name and is found when searching: By Source - Adobe, ‘APSB10-08 Security Update Available for Adobe Download Manager’.

Unlike APSB10-08, the fixlet that addresses APSB10-16 doesn’t include the bulletin identifier in the fixlet name and is not found by searching By Source - Adobe within the console.

Is it common for BigFix to publish fixlets originating from critical out of band security bulletins without including the bulletin identifier in the fixlet name and not found when searching By Source - {Vendor} within the console?

(imported comment written by tscott91)

Yea, I totally agree with you… And if fact… I


they just updated an existing fixlet with the latest version of Flash… I have a policy for the fixlet “Flash Player 10 Available - Internet Explorer” when the last zero day came out for flash back in July…

It looks like they kept it the same fixlet but just updated it to the latest version of flash.
