Adobe Flash Player Relevance (Fixlet ID: 1091113)

(imported topic written by CSL2012)


Just tested Fixlet ID: 1091113 for APSB13-09, Flash Player 11.6.602.180 Available - Internet Explorer and the Status returns ‘Failed’ but when we manually review the event logs and .ocx file for Flash Player 11.6.602.180, it updated successfully contrary to the status in the Action. Previous updates of Flash were successful, so I compared relevance and this is what could be possibly causing the ‘Failed’ status of the action. Could someone review please. Thanks.


(exists folder “macromed\flash” of system folder) AND ((exists file whose (((it starts with “flash” and it ends with “.ocx”) OR (it = “swflash.ocx”)) of (name of it as lowercase) and version of it < ") of it) of folder “macromed\flash” of system folder)


…" and not exists file whose ((it starts with “flash” and it ends with “.ocx”) of (name of it as lowercase) and version of it >= “11.6.602.180”)"…


(imported comment written by Xie_Ran91)

Hi CSL2012,

The relevance to check flash player installed is:

(exists folder 
"macromed\flash" of system folder) AND ((exists file whose (((it starts with 
"flash" and it ends with 
".ocx") OR (it = 
"swflash.ocx")) of (name of it as lowercase) and version of it < 
") of it) of folder "macromed\flash
" of system folder)

So if the version of the “ocx” file is >= “11.6.602.180”, the relevance will return “False” without the need to add

… not exists file whose ((it starts with “flash” and it ends with “.ocx”) of (name of it as lowercase) and version of it >= “11.6.602.180”)"…

Can you get the relevance evaluated on the client machine and verify if it returns “True” after you updated the flash player? If it gives you “True”, you may try following relevance to find out which file make it “True”

(name of it, version of it) of files whose (((it starts with 
"flash" and it ends with 
".ocx") OR (it = 
"swflash.ocx")) of (name of it as lowercase)) of folder 
"macromed\flash" of system folder