Adobe Fixlets are not disabling Updater

(imported topic written by jefister91)

In the various fixlets for Adobe Reader you have the following statement in the Description: “This update disables Adobe Updater for all Adobe applications.” I just tested this and it appears to not be working. I now have an automatic update icon in my system tray and when I check Preferences for the Updater it shows “Automatically download updates, but let me choose when to install them.”

We definitely do not want updater working. Do we need to create our own fixlet to stop the updater? If so, can you please remove the above statement from your Description of the fixlet? Thanks.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

jefister - we developed our own (based on the original Reader updater fixlet published by BigFix) because we saw the same issue. I’ve uploaded our task for Adobe Reader 9 to the forum (have to be logged in to see it).

Also note, we recently updated it to stop Adobe ARM from running at startup as well. This seems to be Adobe’s newest way to mess up corporate computers.