Adobe applications on a MAC

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

I am trying to create relevance language to report back only applications with ‘Adobe’ in the application name, for MAC’s. Below is what I have, but I think I am off a bit. It is tough to verify because I do not have a relevance checker on a MAC device.

if (exists (name of it contains “adobe”) of applications) then (name of it as string & " - " & (if(exists version of it) then(version of it as string) else(“N/A”)))) of applications

Come on TEM guru’s. Don’t let me down. :slight_smile:

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

Q: applications whose (it as string as lowercase contains “adob”)

A: /Applications/Adobe/Flash Player/AddIns/airappinstaller/airappinstaller

A: /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application

A: /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

See I thought I was looking into it too deep. How about if I want to include the version as well?

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

Yeah, I was too fast with the trigger… you want this?

Q: (names of it, versions of it) of applications whose (it as string as lowercase contains “adob”)

A: Adobe AIR Application, 2.5.1

A: Adobe AIR, 2.5.1

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

That is perfect! Thank you Noah!

(imported comment written by murtasma91)

This relevance works correctly on windows machiens but on Mac I get an Incompatible types error

if (name of operating system starts with “Mac”) then (names of it, versions of it) of applications whose (it as string as lowercase contains “adob”) else (“N/A”)

I also tried

if (name of operating system starts with “Mac”) then (names of it as string, versions of it as string) of applications whose (it as string as lowercase contains “adob”) else (“N/A”)

with the same result

(imported comment written by murtasma91)

I got the following expression to work

if name of operating system starts with “Mac” then (versions of it as string) of applications whose (it as string as lowercase contains “adob”) else (“N/A”)

How can I get both the names and versions as string returned?