Adding Icons to Metadata

How likely is it that HCL would begin adding vendor icons to the fixlet metadata. For example, Microsoft patches would have a Microsoft generic icon; Adobe would have theirs. I suspect it would be some copyright or other legal limitation, which is why it hasn’t already been done. But it would be nice to have that as part of the metadata.

Can you give us some info on how you would want to use this metadata? Would it be within the BigFix interfaces, or elseware?

If we add the icons to the Fixlet metadata similar to how it is done for SWD, there would be a LOT of duplicate data…

We recently moved forward with the SSA client, which takes advantage of that metadata. It of course would look “pretty” to see popular icons over the generic “Xmas package”.

At first I thought it was only two lines in the XML (which it is), but looking closer, I see it it close to 4K; about 2/3 of a typical fixlet. I see what you mean now.

Disregard based on that. Thanks for the response!

So, is the idea to show the vendor icon if deploying say a patch Fixlet as an offer for example via SSA?

Yes. That was the idea.

Thanks! This sounds like a nice UX RFE to me that we can explore :slight_smile:

Agree, that looks like a nice UX improvement for SSA. Thanks for sharing.
