Adding a client setting to Session Releavance statement hase changed the results format

The following relevance statement is working. I need to add a client setting and the output is the last column of the output. The other computer property (value of client settings whose(name of it = “Department”) of it | “None”) currently is the last column in the relevance below output.

The existing relevance statement

(source id of fixlet of it as string,source severity of fixlet of it as string,source of fixlet of it as string,category of fixlet of it as string,name of fixlet of it as string,name of computer of it as string,
last became relevant of it as string, (value of client settings whose(name of it = “Department”) of it | “None”) of computer of it )of results from
(bes fixlets whose (fixlet flag of it and display name of site of it contains “Patches for Windows” and “|” & category of it & “|” is contained by ("|Critical Updates|Security Advisory|Security Hotfix|Security Update|Service Pack|")
)) whose (exists first became relevant of it and relevant flag of it = true) of members of bes computer groups whose (name of it =

Add this client setting

(value of client settings whose(name of it = “System Function”) of it | “None”)

I have made some progress but I loose my formatting in doing so. I loose each property result is in its own cell. The new relevance takes the original properties and combines them into one single cell with comma delimited and adds the last one in its own cell. Copied from session relevance tester

Original Relevance

(source id of fixlet of it as string,source severity of fixlet of it as string,source of fixlet of it as string,category of fixlet of it as string,name of fixlet of it as string,name of computer of it as string,
last became relevant of it as string, (value of client settings whose(name of it = “Department”) of it | “None”) of computer of it )of results from
(bes fixlets whose (fixlet flag of it and display name of site of it contains “Patches for Windows” and “|” & category of it & “|” is contained by ("|Critical Updates|Security Advisory|Security Hotfix|Security Update|Service Pack|")
)) whose (exists first became relevant of it and relevant flag of it = true) of members of bes computer groups whose (name of it =

Results: Each property is in it’s own cell.

KB2528583UnspecifiedMicrosoftService PackUPDATE: SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 Available (x64)ITEMSERVER1Tue, 23 Jun 2015 12:12:52 -0700None

New Relavance:

((source id of fixlet of it as string,source severity of fixlet of it as string,source of fixlet of it as string,category of fixlet of it as string,name of fixlet of it as string,name of computer of it as string,
last became relevant of it as string, (value of client settings whose(name of it = “Department”)of it | “None”) of computer of it ), (value of client settings whose(name of it = “System Function”)of it | “None”)of computer of it ) of results from
(bes fixlets whose (fixlet flag of it and display name of site of it contains “Patches for Windows” and “|” & category of it & “|” is contained by ("|Critical Updates|Security Advisory|Security Hotfix|Security Update|Service Pack|")
)) whose (exists first became relevant of it and relevant flag of it = true) of members of bes computer groups whose (name of it = “Windows”)

Results: All the original properties are now in a single cell with comma deliminter and the last new added property is in a cell of it’s own. Now each result has a comma delimiter after the property except for the last one. Copied from session relevance tester

KB3009008, Unspecified, Microsoft, Security Advisory, 3009008: Security Advisory: Vulnerability in SSL 3.0 Could Allow Information Disclosure - Enable Workaround for Client Software (Disable SSL 3.0 in Windows), ITEMSERVER, ( Sat, 19 Dec 2015 09:34:39 -0700 ), GENITEWA

Problem solved , no longer need assistance.

(source id of fixlet of it as string,source severity of fixlet of it as string,source of fixlet of it as string,category of fixlet of it as string,name of fixlet of it as string,name of computer of it as string,
last became relevant of it as string, (value of client settings whose(name of it = “Department”)of it | “None”) of computer of it , (value of client settings whose(name of it = “System Function”)of it | “None”)of computer of it )
of results from (bes fixlets whose (fixlet flag of it and display name of site of it contains “Patches for Windows” and “|” & category of it & “|” is contained by
("|Critical Updates|Security Advisory|Security Hotfix|Security Update|Service Pack|")
)) whose (exists first became relevant of it and relevant flag of it = true) of members of bes computer groups whose (name of it = “Windows”)