Add OR to relevance looking for line in text file

I am trying to combine relevance of looking for text in a file. The file name on all of the pcs is the same but the server name is different.

This is what I am using on a single group.

exists files “C:\setname.bat” whose (exists lines whose (it contains “XXXXXXXX\COMMON”)of it )

You can of course use ‘OR’ to add additional logic to the whose filter with something like:

exists files "C:\setname.bat" whose (exists lines whose (it as lowercase contains "computer1\COMMON" as lowercase OR it as lowercase contains "computer2\COMMON" as lowercase OR it as lowercase contains "computer3\COMMONM" as lowercase) of it)

But if I’m understanding the scenario correctly, you might also simply be able to reference the computer name as well with something like:

exists files "C:\setname.bat" whose (exists lines whose (it as string as lowercase contains ((computer name & "\COMMON") as lowercase)) of it)


Thanks, the first one works. I appreciate the help. I was having one of those days where I couldn’t figure it out.

Glad if we could help!