Add List of Remediated computers column in Web Reports

Hello All

I’m trying to add the list of remediated computers column to my report. My Report Currently shows the following.
I’ve looked through the documentation and excel connector and did not find a relevance that could add that column.

Is it possible? if so can someone help pointing me in the right direction.

Fixlet Name||Source Severity||Source Release Date||Applicable Computer Count||Remediated Computer Count||Applicable Computers||Comment

MS15-058: Vulnerabilities in SQL Server Could Allow Remote Code Execution - SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 - GDR Branch - KB3045313 (x64)||Important||2015-07-14||1||0||COMPUTER1||

Filter: Patches for windows

        		<?relevance concatenation of trs of (td of name of it & td of source severity of it & td of (if (exists source release date of it) then ((year of it as string & "-" & month of it as two digits as string & "-" & day_of_month of it as two digits as string) of source release date of it as string) else "1000-01-01") & td  of (applicable computer count of it as string) & td of  ((number of results whose (exists last became relevant of it AND exists last became nonrelevant of it AND last became relevant of it < last became nonrelevant of it) of it)as string ) & td of (if (exists Names of Applicable Computers of it) then (concatenations "%0A | " of (Names of Applicable Computers of it as string)) else ("<none>")) & td of (if (exists ((((text of it) of comments whose (deleted flag of it = false) of it) of it))) then (concatenation (", ") of ((((text of it) of comments whose (deleted flag of it = false) of it) of it))) else (" ")) )of bes fixlets whose (fixlet flag of it  and name of it as lowercase does not contain "corrupt patch" and name of it as lowercase does not contain "superseded"  and (Applicable Computer Count of it > 0  )) ?> 

Trying to get a list similar to the name of applicable computer but names of remediated computers.


I believe the two inspectors you are looking for are the following:

remediated flag of <bes fixlet result>: boolean
computer of <bes fixlet result>: bes computer

(reference:<bes%20fixlet%20result>&platform=session )

So, the field in question might look something like this (separate from the above relevance):

names of computers of results whose (remediated flag of it) of bes fixlets whose (display name of site of it = "Patches for Windows" AND fixlet flag of it and name of it as lowercase does not contain "corrupt patch" and name of it as lowercase does not contain "superseded" and (Applicable Computer Count of it > 0 ))

Putting the two together:

concatenation of trs of (td of name of it & (td of source severity of it as string | “n/a”) & td of (if (exists source release date of it) then ((year of it as string & “-” & month of it as two digits as string & “-” & day_of_month of it as two digits as string) of source release date of it as string) else “1000-01-01”) & td of (applicable computer count of it as string) & td of ((number of results whose (exists last became relevant of it AND exists last became nonrelevant of it AND last became relevant of it < last became nonrelevant of it) of it)as string ) & td of (if (exists Names of Applicable Computers of it) then (concatenations “%0A | " of (Names of Applicable Computers of it as string)) else (”“)) & td of (if (exists ((((text of it) of comments whose (deleted flag of it = false) of it) of it))) then (concatenation (”, “) of ((((text of it) of comments whose (deleted flag of it = false) of it) of it))) else (” “)) & td of (if (exists Names of Computers of results whose (remediated flag of it) of it) then (concatenations “%0A | " of (Names of Computers of results whose (remediated flag of it) of it as string)) else (””)))of bes fixlets whose (display name of site of it = “Patches for Windows” AND fixlet flag of it and name of it as lowercase does not contain “corrupt patch” and name of it as lowercase does not contain “superseded” and (Applicable Computer Count of it > 0 ))

All that said, I must ask: is there a reason this must be a custom report? Since this can be achieved via the native reports:

Hello Aram

Thank you so much for your prompt response. I was able to add the code in its location and all works perfect.

I ended up creating both reports.

Very much appreciated.


Slightly older thread, but thanks for putting this together Aram.

To answer your questions as to “why do this, when it is available via drop-downs”, I needed a report with some of these columns, but I also needed the report to be a “rolling 30 days” from today. That is the part that I cannot do via drop-downs, so I had to go custom for it.