Actions Web Reports complete

(imported topic written by wolverine23)


When I deploy security updates in my work, regulary I create a baseline to do it, actions are created for different shifts, for example :

Office workstations : generate 1 actions with 6 security updates for differents operating systems.

Production Line workstations : generate 1 action with 6 security updates for differents operating systems.

Each action contains about 15 actions because is a baseline, then my problem is :

I have to have evidence my workstations were updated ( audit procedures ), I have to review each one of actions to export to csv file,

Exists one way to export 1 actions and that it contains all information ??.

For example actions 12345

contains actions 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 etc…

action 6 contains 1000 computername fixed (include all computers)

action 7 contains 500 computername fixed (include all computers)




(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey Wolverine,

I have something you can try… make a custom report like this:

<?Relevance (trs of ( td of (id of action of it as string) & td of name of computer of it & td of (status of it as string ) ) ) of results whose (status of it = bes action status fixed OR status of it = bes action status pending restart) of bes actions whose (id of it = 377 OR id of it = 378 OR (id of it >= 1000 AND id of it <= 1010)) ?>
Action ID Computer name Action Status

Change the ActionIDs at the end to whatever you would like… Also, feel free to add/change the HTML as you see fit…


(imported comment written by wolverine23)

Excelent !!!

The script is working fine,

I appreciate your time

Thanks a lot,



(imported comment written by wolverine23)

Hi Ben,

Can you say me how to include more fields, for example username, version office, os etc…

thanks a lot.



(imported comment written by BenKus)


<?Relevance (trs of ( td of (id of action of it as string) & td of name of computer of it & td of (status of it as string ) & + td of (if exists result (computer of it, bes property "OS") then value of result (computer of it, bes property "OS") else "n/a") + ) ) of results whose (status of it = bes action status fixed OR status of it = bes action status pending restart) of bes actions whose (id of it = 377 OR id of it = 378 OR (id of it >= 1000 AND id of it <= 1010)) ?>
Action ID Computer name Action Status OS

You can add arbitrary more results in the same way (just change the name of the property in both places)…
