The easiest way is to add the restart Fixlet to a baseline as the middle action (you can create a custom Task to do the restart if you want to ensure a restart occurs).
for baselines, when computer restarts, does client evaluate the first fixlet again ?
what happens if first fixlet of baseline is relevant again right after restart ?
i need do the followings in the same action, or same baseline
do something
reboot client system
do another things
I created a task which has a reboot statement for post-action.
and I also created a second task.
I put these tasks in a baseline in order.
when I take action for baseline, it executed both tasks and then reboot finally (not after the first action)
do you have any other idea about how to reboot client between two tasks?
have the last thing before the reboot use the actionscript action requires restart and then set something on the system, like create an empty file with a particular name.
Have the things that must happen after the reboot have relevance to check for the existence of that file and not pending restart.
If this is a windows system, then I would recommend writing the file to the Windows Temp folder or the BES Client Log folder.
Writing the file to the system is not needed if you can write relevance to detect the change that is being made and use that relevance to prevent the 2nd item from running until that change is made.
Can you provide some details about the first set of things that need to happen before the reboot are?