Action with preset

how can i post action for baseline and put a preset in there?

Can you please elaborate your question…

i have a baseline that iv created .
now i want to do an action to this baseline and create this action with a preset

in the gui,in the bigfix console there is a tabs when you want to “take action”


and you have a perest to choose


‘Preset’ setting on the Execution tab is used to save settings of the current action for the future by naming it.

Please select baseline and then take action on it and you can select the Preset from the Preset drop down list in your take action tab,If you had saved the preset earlier.


im doing it with api rest not gui

and i cant found where i put target computers

Oh…Okay,I never used Reset api.

@JasonWalker Can you please help here on how to target a baseline action to specific computers using Reset Api?


I’d refer to for instructions and examples on using the RESTAPI. Be aware that is a programming interface, and some programming/scriptimg knowledge is necesssry.

Using Rest API, I would recommend to use Computer ID to deploy any Fixlet/Task/baseline.
As per my experience, I have observed that if relevance condition is set to true and if Computer is not present in your environment than it would target entire endpoints which is an issue.
Hence I would recommend to use Computer id instead of Computer name.