Action setting lock not executed in baseline action


My requirement is to remove old software reboot the machine with providing a snooz time of 6 hrs and then re-install upgrade after a reboot

Created a baseline with 2 actions:-

Action -1 removes a software.
Action - 2 install’s upgraded version following a reboot.

In action 1 - I tried to enforce action setting lock in which I am locking Post action and asking a reboot with a popup message and differ time of 6 hrs.

Now, I tried to run this baseline with a Preset which gives a pre execution popup message to take action.

I received the Pop-up message to take action but there was no popup to reboot which was locked in the 1st action and the baseline just kept on running.

Is there a conflict between keeping a action setting lock and also using a preset in baseline action.

How to achieve this, pls guide.


I am not exacly the sequence you are trying this in.
Is the sequence:
Wait 6 hours

I would set up the “snooze” time in the start of the install fixlet using either the pause until or action lock until 6 hours has passed.

You can find info about it here those here

This won’t bring up any pop-ups.

if you need client pop ups you can use dynamic deployment and create a relevance last boot time using “uptime of operating system” is over 6 hours, then servers are relevant for this deployment.
First deploy the unistall and reboot with normal deployment and then deploy the install with dynamic deployment with the uptime relevance.

Hi Mfuglem,

Thanks for the briefing about same.

I have a conflict here .

If I use a reset and define something like a message to be sent while running the baseline and if the same is hardcoded in a action setting lock, then one of them is overlooked.

How to get a understanding about the same. I mean to say how to find out that which setting will override the other one.

Baseline preset setting will over ride the action setting lock. Or vice versa.

pls advice.