Action Scripts, jenkins

good day!

Could you say, how can I run command on a Bigfix server ?

Example, before hosts update I want executed some task on a remote Jenkins server.
So, how can I execute job from BigFix server ?

I cant do it from clients, because they dont have network access.
And, also for this job on the Jenkins I need transfer a hostname variable .

More in general, you could create a Bigfix Task that implement a command and execute it on one target machine.
For example you could run a shell command in oredr to run the jenkins job as following:
curl JENKINS_URL/job/JOB_NAME/buildWithParameters
–data id=123 --data verbosity=high

I don’t know if is what you want implement.

Hi, thx for response
My an idea create a snpashot of virtual machine before update. And I want do it in one action , it is possible ?


I need update host1 and host2 and I want that snapshots will be create automated before update.
For It I want to create a task what should to run curl command
curl JENKINS_URL/job/JOB_NAME/buildWithParameters –user USER:TOKEN –data id=123 --data hostname=host1,host2

A main goal, the task should be automate gather information about all hostname of current Action and do curl command and transfer hostnames to jenkins for snapshot create.

Only BigFix root server have a network access to jenkins server